The new year is upon us with many people vowing to make the most of it with self-improvement goals. While making resolutions can be very beneficial, some people create goals so unobtainable that they set themselves up for failure.
Sometimes the smallest change can lead to big rewards.
Did you know that the simple act of turning your frown upside down is one of the simplest ways you can make a difference is your life and the lives of others? Here are a few reasons to put a SMILE on your face throughout 2021.
Be the reason someone smiles today. Studies have shown that a smile spurs a chemical reaction in the brain, releasing certain hormones including dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine increases our feelings of happiness and Serotonin release is associated with reduced stress. Facial expressions can impact your feelings, and your attitude.
Did you know that smiling can boost your immunity and spread happiness? A WebMD study states that laughter, which often starts with a smile, increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, which improves your resistance to illnesses. It can also reduce blood pressure, stress and offer pain relief. In fact, smiling in general has been linked to living a longer, healthier life.
Laughter and smiles are contagious.The orbitofrontal cortex plays a role when a person smiles in response to someone else smiling.When one sees someone else smiling, their orbitofrontal cortex is activated, which processes sensory rewards. So when a person catches someone else smiling, they feel rewarded and smile back because of the good feeling. If you recognize someone having a bad day, try to smile at them and see if you can make it better. It's a simple gesture, but can make all the difference in the world to someone.
One smile is all it takes to help someone have a better day. One smile is all it takes to make a difference in this world. One smile can make a powerful impact that ripples past our immediate surroundings. The power of a smile must not be underestimated. A smile shares hope, affection, and peace. A smile has the power to bring light in the darkness, to bring positive energy in the day, to reduce stress in life and to bring greater happiness in the world.One smile is all it takes. Give it a try!